Welcome to the W3CF Website

Licensed since 1976
1st call WB3LQB (yuch!)
N3ADL until 1997 Also V26DX now V25C, TO5MM, WP2Z.
Main interest is Contesting and Emergency Communications/preparedness. Going to different places to take part in the greatest contest in the world, The CQWW! Have operated from Martinique, St. Croix, USVI, and for several years at the V26B Superstation on the sunny island of Antigua in the Caribbean. Also V26DX V26S from the Hotel.
Member: Frankford Radio Club (President 2001-2003) Member: Montgomery County RACES/ARES /Aux-Com ACS Radio Officer/Assistant EC
Guest Op @: W3FIZ, W3EA, K3WW, N2RM, NE3F, K9RS, W1AW, W1AW/3 at W3LPL, N3RS, K3ANS, AA3E, K3NM, WT3Q, 4U1UN and ND1C Thanks to these guys and the others staffing these multi’s for great times!
Member: Frankford Radio Club, Florida Contest Group, Honey Badgers Contest Club. North Florida Section,
Employer: Retired / Disabled from Government service in 2002
Gigaparts Chat Expert Volunteer
Married to the best gal in the world K4VZI, Mary